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My work is a conduit that moves discoveries from scientists' lab benches, fields, and computers into Twitter feeds and conversations. I help scientists share their stories, and I help journalists find scientists with stories to share.
Claire Benjamin
Sep 27, 20162 min read
In at the kill
In the last decade, more than half of all forest elephants have been slaughtered for their market-precious ivory. Without action, this...
Claire Benjamin
Dec 18, 20152 min read
Using game theory to help prevent pregnancy disorders
Life is a game. From the moment sperm fertilizes egg, you are either winning or losing. Using game theory--the study of competition and...
Claire Benjamin & Kathryn Metcalf
Dec 2, 20155 min read
Ruby Mendenhall: How stress gets under the skin
David Satcher, former U.S. Surgeon General, noted in his 2005 research that if health disparities were eliminated there would be...
Claire Benjamin
Nov 2, 20152 min read
Monica Uddin: Transgenerational transmission of disorders
In 1994, extremist Hutus slaughtered an estimated 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus in the small east African country of Rwanda in the...
Claire Benjamin
Sep 1, 20152 min read
Derek Wildman: Computing genomes for reproductive health
More than 2 billion babies will be born over the next 35 years. As many as one in eight of these babies may be born prematurely, with...
Claire Benjamin
Apr 17, 20153 min read
Klaus Schulten: Seeing with the quantum biology of vision
Klaus Schulten drafts blueprints of life—not with a pen, but with a computer program that his group developed over the last two decades....
Claire Benjamin
Apr 15, 20153 min read
Monkey droppings complement field observations, researchers report
In South American rainforests, researchers can tell one saddle-back tamarin from another, but what’s more difficult, is to see what the...
Claire Benjamin
Mar 16, 20153 min read
Scientists find DNA is packaged like a yoyo
To pack two meters of DNA into a microscopic cell, the string of genetic information must be wound extremely carefully into chromosomes....
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